Critical Care Reviews Meeting 2024

The scientific programme for the Critical Care Reviews Meeting 12th to 14th June 2024 includes 11 major trial results, several systematic reviews & meta analyses, reviews of 3 of the most interesting trials of the past year.

CCR24 kicks off on the 12th of June! Members of the REMAP-CAP family will be in Belfast to discuss the results on simvastatin, ivermectin and corticosteroids. Here is more on that:

💊 REMAP-CAP Statins Trial Review (13 June, 13:30): Following the publication of our study on simvastatin in critically ill patients with COVID-19, Tom Hills will discuss these results in depth and discuss their implications with a panel of international experts.

💊 REMAP-CAP Ivermectin Trial Results (13 June, 14:10): Madiha Hashmi and Alistair Nichol will present results on the use of ivermectin in the treatment of hospitalized and critically ill patients with COVID-19.

💊 REMAP-CAP Steroids Trial Results (14 June, 11:00): Steve Webb and Scott Berry will present results on the use of corticosteroids in the treatment of critically ill patients with community acquired pneumonia (non-COVID-19).

📋 Check out the full programme 👉